Tuesday, March 1, 2011


There's an epidemic these days of of babies born just a bit too soon. No big deal. you say? Well - I'm here to tell you, it can be a big deal. I just had my birthday, and so you know I was born in a snowstorm. I am actually quite a way down in the family tree - my mom had a set of triplets born before me, way back in 1949. They were born at 28 weeks - back in the days when my mom was told not to name them when they died. She of course knew what their names were.
When I came along a couple years later, I came early too - at 36 weeks, in the middle of a snowstorm.
She was told that I would die if she didn't breastfeed me. So she did - for three whole weeks, God bless her! (Knowing what I know now about tongue-tied babies and breastfeeding, and what a lousy palate I have, it's a miracle she could breastfeed me at all!)
These days I would've sent her to this site:
It's a great way to learn more about ways to stay pregnant. Late pretermers (born at 34 - 37 weeks, basically) have trouble staying warm, trouble eating, trouble adjusting to life outside the womb. Keep them in there if you can!!